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This day has been a long time coming….I’ve finally launched a new website! Here you will find a more thorough, in-depth look at my artwork and modeling portfolios. Also, I will be posting frequently in this blog about current projects, my process, gallery shows, museum exhibitions and the goings on in the studios around town.

I’m very excited to share this experience with all of my friends, and the people who have supported my creative pursuits over the years. To say the least, I am grateful to have been surrounded by a strong group of talented artists, whom I call my family and friends.

Lastly, I want to give a big shout out and thank you to the head honcho and genius at Donegee Media, My sister, Victoria Hunger-Hurst. It is her talent and vision that really helped bring this site to fruition.

Thank you for visiting the new ChantalMenard.Com.